Thursday, January 30, 2014

Valentine's Day Do's and Don'ts for Car Guys

Valentine's Day is upon us!
(Yes, car salesmen: You Need to Purchase the Gift on the Paycheck that hit Today...Valentine's Day its he 14th not the 15th!)
Here are some tips from the Dallas Car Wife with information that all of us car wives want you to know.

Do's and Don'ts for Car Guys and Car Wives on Valentine's Day

Do: Do make sure and purchase the gift off this check from the 30th. Don't wait until your "washout check" or your "high grossin' deal" gets funded. $$$$$$$$$

Don't: Don't buy your wife jewelry from this dude that just shows up on pay day to take your hard earned money...Rule of thumb: If it comes from a trunk, it's usually junk! As much as you perpetrate, we all know you only sold 6 cars last month. It's January- don't lie. The wives understand and we love you anyway!

(These girls are cute in their pjs..but that's just it. How would your ACTUAL wife look in this?)

Now this makes an awesome PJ for the whole family! If you wouldn't want to wear it guys, chances are your wife won't either! 

Do: Do purchase your wife a gift that she will post on FB. Nothing's worse than the obligatory Pajamagram or Stuffed Animal or worse anything you order online from a CHEESY website. Chances are, if she is any kind of  car-wife, she already purchased her Valentine's day nightie. No grown woman wants a onesie, flannel pjs, $200 Teddy Bear and she darn sure doesn't want any chocolate....not on VALENTINE'S Day at least (New Year's Rez...hello?)

Don't: Don't forget to make reservations. Valentine's Day is on a Friday this year. Look now it's so easy you don't even have to call the restaurant. Just visit Open Table and make that reservation right online! By the way, when she suggests that steak restaurant- that is for you! Us Texas women do love our beef but not on a night when we are trying to feel skinny! But, going the Steak route is an act of love. Accept it...or pick French or Japanese.

Do: Do think back really hard to anything that she said she liked or wanted since Christmas. Does she need a new designer wallet? Do ask her sister or bestie for ideas if she has one...You know her sister and bestie are always listening! Has she been wanting to go to Church? Make some church coupons! Pre-pay the babysitter and pre-schedule some date nights! Don't try a new designer if she hasn't pre-approved it. Fendi ladies don't want a Brighton bag and no one likes Seiko watches anymore. Baller on a budget? Get her a subscription to Bag, Borrow or Steal! It's a rent-a-purse website where she can show of the latest Louis Vuitton or Chanel every month!

Don't: Don't forget this last thing! Your wife married you because she understands you and all of your quirks. She is not going to judge your gift as hard as you think she is. Let your own relationship personality show. Don't be too stressed about this. Valentine's Day is NOT just for her. It's for the two valentines that are in love. Make a fun date that you both will enjoy! It doesn't make your wife feel good for her to think you aren't enjoying yourself.

Get Your Free Valentine's Day Carwash at Bob Stallings Hyundai in Dallas. Visit us Thursday February 13 or Friday February 14 and bring in this coupon! Ask for our SWEET DEAL!!! 

Must print coupon and bring it in. Schedule your appointment for your free car wash at
214-694-2700 with Marcus Williams!
Valid only at Bob Stallings Hyundai 39550 LBJ Freeway South Dallas, TX 75232. All makes and models washed! :)

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